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Niek is speaker resilient leadership

What is a ‘resilient leader’? Does one have the sole responsibility for making employees resilient? Are they not able to do that themselves? As speaker leadership, Niek is pleased to guide your organization into the new way of leadership. One that focuses on ownership, adaptability and resilience.

Speaker resilient leadership
What to expect

The term ‘resilient leadership’ suggests a leader is meant to teach individual employees how to cope with change. A noble goal, but looking at the bigger picture, is that a leader’s only added value?

In his inspiring and motivating keynotes, Niek answers the following questions:

  • How to use your influence for yourself and your surroundings
  • How to keep yourself and your employees aligned to your mission
  • How to build agile teams, in which you have the role of inspirator and activator
  • What is needed from a leader in times of change?
  • How to stay in control of the future.

As keynote speaker associated with

You would hardly expect it, but Niek loves to be in the spotlight. Noted, only to share his inspirational story and messages with the world. Proudly, he spoke to big organisations such as Unilever, Hyundai, L’oreal, Maxwell Leadership, and Heiniken. Furthermore, Niek is often asked as a guest on TV-programmes, YouTube channels/videos and on podcasts.


What is strong leadership?
How to transform?

The energy crisis, climate crisis, Ukraine crisis, food crisis… we even have a reading crisis! We live in a time where changing isn’t enough anymore. Our services or people need to be transformed. But how to transform as a person or as an organization? How do you convey the right message? How do you deal with resistance, change fatigue and broaden your view of the world? As speaker leadership, Niek sticks to: “a resilient leader knows himself first and foremost. Only then his employees.”

Creating the right culture is a central issue in agile organizations. This is an ever-growing topic for executives and managers. How do you deliver that message as effectively as possible? After all, as a leader, you are responsible for creating this culture, encouraging everybody to see the importance of the customer. What does a leader have to do to establish, facilitate and encourage resilience in an organization?

You have no right to justice in life

Leadership in practice
The 4 fundamental needs

Leaders and managers are the true carriers of culture, especially in times of change and a healthy corporate culture. The recipe for a successful business. The four fundamental needs that apply here are: confidence, autonomy, sense of purpose and results. If you have that mapped out, are you able to be of value to them all? How do you look beyond daily concerns and build a shared and meaningful future?

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Dare to be vulnerable
This too is leadership

Leadership is not only about inspiring others, but also how empathetic, honest, positive and approachable you are. Be not only a team-leader, but also a team-player. In a way you have a dual role. As speaker leadership, Niek cannot stress enough you have to show your vulnerability at times of setbacks. Of course you have to show resilience, but as a leader you also have to have the courage to show when you are not in control of the future.

Strong leadership means you have the courage to lead; you do not have to pretend you have all the answers. It is about curiosity and asking the right questions. You do not see power as something to accumulate: you want to share your knowledge. You don’t avoid difficult conversations or situations, because every now and then you know showing vulnerability is necessary. This courage will have a contagious effect. You create a culture within your organization where you expect brave work, difficult conversations and an open heart and where wearing a mask is neither necessary nor rewarded.

As speaker leadership Niek will give you the tools

As no other Niek knows how to give your organization the right tools to build a healthy corporate culture. In his role as inspirational speaker, Niek has been advising Dutch (and international) businesses for over 15 years and knows that the way to realizing a strong management and a corporate culture, is by using extensive leadership programs.

Do you want to help your managers, executives and colleagues become brave leaders? Book Niek as speaker leadership. Together we’ll get to work!

Request Niek as speaker leadership

As speaker, Niek would also like to inspire you about the next subjects

Besides speaker leadership, you’ll also find Niek on stage as speaker healthcare, education, customer-focus  en resilience.

Mr. Featherforce?
Niek? Who?

In 2010 Niek’s life turns into a living hell, to put it mildly. On July, 16th he crashes his motorcycle and suffers a spinal cord injury, leaving him paralyzed from the chest down. Plus something extra: he has a syrinx, a cavity within the spinal cord that continuously threatens the body parts that do still work. According to Niek, paraplegia and a syrinx are the perfect combination for only the toughest guys. But as long as you can live with it, you’d better do so, he says. And in that case, you’d better do it good. Accepting his accident, Niek now feels the spinal cord injury changed his life for the better. He met the love of his life, is proud dad of three beautiful daughters and by helping others, he gained a sense of purpose.

Niek pitiful? Heck, no! With unstoppable energy Niek knows how to transform his suffering to something else: resilience. Mr. Featherforce was born! The heavy pains in the morning are still there, as well as the 37 pills per day, but he knows how to transform a terrible event into love, courage, perseverance, humor and success. Niek helps and inspires a wide variety of audiences in topics as customer-focus, leadership and dealing with change for more than 12 years already.

More About Keynote Speaker Niek

Others about keynote speaker Niek | Mr. Featherforce

As speaker resilience Niek gave inspirational talks for a wide variety of organisations and at big events. His clients are happy to share their experiences about this stage animal.

Speaker • Resilience • Customer focus • Healthcare • Education • Inspirational • Motivational • Speaker • Keynote • Crash •  

Speaker • Resilience • Customer focus • Healthcare • Education • Inspirational • Motivational • Speaker • Keynote • Crash •